Reading the ad (yes - I did read the ad...) I noticed the term "STD BUG". What
the heck does that refer to?
Gary McCormick
San Jos�, CA
Andrew Murphy wrote:
> Hey List,
> While looking for cars for sale (helping someone out who asked politely) I
> stumbled across a car for sale in the San Diego area. It's a 70 1600 with a
> 5 speed transmission. It's for sale by a dealership. What was funny is that
> the picture of the car (which looks nice BTW) is complete with a buxom
> blonde in a catsuit. First time I have ever seen a Datsun Roadster in this
> light.
> Check it out!
> Regards,
> Andrew Murphy
> 67 2000 Solex
> 70 2000
> SoCalROC
> ________________________________________________________________________