If you haven't already bought a speedometer and need one think about getting
a GPS receiver. If you shop around a bit you can find a new GPS receiver
for $100 or cheaper. On eBay they sell older units for much less than that.
Most of the companies have handlebar mounts for bikes and also
velcro/suction cup mounts for cars. A GPS will give you ten times more data
than a mechanical speedometer. You can get altitude, compass and true
bearings, time of day, distance traveled, waypoints, maps, and man overboard
functions (good for driving with your wife). And the GPS is rapidly
transferrable from vehicle to vehicle. I have one that also plugs into a
laptop and gives me a 13" moving color map. All you do is take it out of
the box and turn it on. No rare earth magnets and no 1/8" clearances. Your
local Wal-Mart has many models and prices.
Leisure Suit Terry