--- John F Sandhoff <sandhoff@csus.edu> wrote:
> Hi Stephan. Glad to hear progress is being made!
> You commented:
> > ...i get some knocking when accelarating. Backed
> it off to 10 degrees,
> > will go for a short spin tomorrow to see if it's
> better.
> Are you sure you have an early-curve on the
> distributor? If yours has
> Even with the right plate, if you have a broken
> spring in there, the
> advance will come in way too early and could cause
> problems.
> -- John
I have non-smog distributor, i'll take it apart to
make sure it's all OK. Since i put 1600 domed pistons
in my U20, does that effect how i should set timing ?
I ran over my timing light in the garage.. was in a
hurry to test drive!
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