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Re: Major Armchair engineering A SuperCharged Roadster??

To: Roadster List <>
Subject: Re: Major Armchair engineering A SuperCharged Roadster??
From: Jim Tyler <>
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 19:24:03 -0400
Mike Kerr wrote:
> have to disagree on the "O": ringing for street use it is not nessasry or
> desirable,  forgded pistons are not nessary either...  Both the "O" ringing
> and Forged pistions have advantages in a race where getting across the
> finish line first is the objective..  But for street use  where Rpms will be
> kept low for engine longevity and low boost settings neither fordged pistons
> or "O" ringing are nessary

In general I would agree that for typical street use o-ringing is not desirable
and forged pistons are not required.

However, to make the kind of HP gains that would begin to justify the cost of 
either a turbo efi or a supercharged, you will no longer be in a "typical"
street application.  

I don't get the impression that Daniel wants to spend 2000.00 to add 20 hp
at 4800 rpms.

To make say 225, I would be surprised if the rpm's or boost really remain all
"low" for stock pistons.    

Victor can show you how well the 60's quality cast pistons hold up under

But either way, I think Daniel and Mike should link up on this,  Daniel only
to spend  2K and Mike says the engine doesn't need modifications.  Perfect
match.  Keep us posted.


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