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Its not a roadster AC but maybe the next best thing??

Subject: Its not a roadster AC but maybe the next best thing??
From: Daniel Neuman <>
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000 18:04:22 -0800 (PST)
Hello Again,
        Was looking through a catalog and came across something that might 
prove very interesting for people who live in HOT-DRY areas.
It's a swamp cooler for a car!!!!!  Now I know that installing a true ac unit 
in a roadster would be an expensive pain in the you-know-what but this looks 
cheap and easy.
        Its called the coolstar and they sell them in kits ready made for 
cars.. course not a roadster but they have Nissan trucks and sentras listed�
        What it is is a pad that goes in your cowl air intake.  It has a 
moisture sensor that is hooked to a sprayer and a water bag(looks like a 67.5 
kangaroo bag).  You flip a switch and the sprayer keeps the pad wet.  You then 
just turn on your fan and instant cool (probably not COLD) air.  The kit is 
complete and does not look too hard to install.  The only problem is probably 
modifing the pad to fit in our cowls.  The company whos' catalog I was looking 
at has a web site with a picture and a description  Type in 
CoolStar in their little search engine.  Right now they are closing them out at 
99 bucks each.
        This might be just the thing for someone whos lives in a dry hot place. 
 Now from spending time in the Nevada desert I know that swamp coolers work 
pretty darn well when its dry.
        Here's a question.. Does anybody have any idea just how dry it has to 
be for these things to work??  Sure would love to have something like this on 
the long hot drive to shasta..but I don't know if California is dry enough?? 
Anybody have any ideas??
                Daniel 69 2000
                SF CA

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