Hello again people
This is a message from Doug Smith received via the web E-Mail Link - as a
2000/1600 owner I am unable to help Doug - any help you could give would be
appreciated. Thanks - Rob <A HREF="http://www.datsun.org/fairlady/";>The
Classic Fairlady Roadster Register</A>
Doug's E-Mail address is:-
<< I've been hunting down various fuel and carb & timing problems with my '65
1500. It looks like my original factory service manual makes reference to 2
different distributors. It shows specs for an Hitachi distributor and
different specs for a Mitsubishi distributor. My Chilton's manual shows
conflicting distributor specs. I think I have an Hitachi distributor. Do you
know anything about the 1500's having 2 different distributors installed and
if so, what their specs are?
Also, I recently found out there are hundreds of different carb piston
needles that are out there for the 1600 and 2000's. Can these needles be
used in my 1500? I think my car runs too rich and I need a set that's leaner
and mid/upper range than my M15 needles.
Any info you could be provide would be most appreciated. I've looked at just
about every web site I could find that provides info on SU carbs and info.
on 1500's is very scarce!
Thank you-
Doug Smith
Anchorage, AK >>