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Doheny trip...

To: list roadster <>
Subject: Doheny trip...
From: Dan Neff <>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 12:27:38 -0700 (PDT)
Thought i'd to post a quick comment on the Doheny show
last weekend... 
**I WAS THERE!!** Clear from Colorado Springs,
(sorry, i chickened out of driving my roadster at the
last minute - it would've been delegated to the
dumpster parking area anyway). 

Wow, was that cool. Gorgeous day too! Thanks to the
CDM guys for putting it together!! It was great to
actually see some of the cars (ok, AND folks) I hear
about in the list! Quite a _thing_ to see, what, 30
roadsters? in 1 place! Thanks to Dennis for the nickel
tour of CDM (probably just as well you're 1100 miles
away, I'd be forever spending money there!!).
Hopefully mebbe next year we WyCROC'ers can get a few
cars out thataway - either Doheny or Mt.Shasta.. Hope
my photo w/ Calspeed turns out! 
I'm still drooling over all the incredible cars.. 

2 wks ago I _finally_ decided to find the frame VIN..
UH OH!!! I have a mutt!! Well, it explains a lot --
'68: frame, rear body (single light turn sig's, no
rear sidemarkers, etc), '69: dash and firewall/deck
VIN, title, engine ser#, fuse box, front end (side
markers).. I guess somebody did a decent job though,
it took me 2 yrs to realize it. i wouldn't have bought
it if i'd have known - electrical risks would've
scared me off. I guess having put 18k miles on it now,
it's a little late to be worrying about it.. :) 

Hopefully(?) we WyCROC'ers are putting together a ride
Sunday 10/31 out of Denver. Give me a post if you're
interested and not in the WyCROC distro.  Barrie
(Strachan), why don't you plan to attend - THIS time
with your car! :)
(oh man, you could teach the Brit's a few things about
glueing wood to dashes!)


p.s. oh yeah, for y'all that read email addresses and
not names: I WAS subscribed as -
having had my email DOWN for 2 weeks and NO CUSTOMER
SUPPORT, i look forward to's
self-destruction. Note change to

Dan Neff   '69 2000
WyCROC SRL311-12866
Colorado Springs,CO


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