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SCCA Run-Offs, MidOhio, OCT 4- 10

Subject: SCCA Run-Offs, MidOhio, OCT 4- 10
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 10:05:57 -0400
Okay folks, another great event to attend at one of the best spectators tracks
in the US with the best drivers from across the US.  Throw in a few roadster
owners and it should be a great week.  I just got word that Rick Chianese will
be up from Florida for most of the week and Bill Wessel is coming down from
Wisconsin for the weekend.  Chris and Diane Luers , founders of the Ohio
Roadster Owners Club  (OROC) will be there Friday through Sunday.  Our ace
wandering reporter hasn't spoken up yet, but we are hoping that Tom Phelan puts
in an appearance.
  OROC normally parks in the infield at the bottom of the S's near the bridge.
Great vantage point to watch the corner work.  Stop by and say hello.  Most of
us will be wearing our OROC ball caps!  If nobody is around ( we do wander off
for food and other vistas occasionally ), look for a roadster or two.  There
will probably be a sign up sheet stuck in somebody's windshield.
  If you need a Datsun souvenir, please stop by MotorXtra's tent/display behind
the garages and tell them OROC sent you.  Great people that have provided OROC
with a wonderful selection of Datsun 'stuff' over the years.  They have the best
selection of Datsun shirts, pins, patches, and mugs!!
  I can't make it until Sunday because I will be spending next week in Michigan.
Any questions about the track, racing schedule, or nearby accommodations, can be
answered by taking a look at <http://www.MidOhio>com>!
  Hope to see you there!


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