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Alive Again with New Brakes

To: <>
Subject: Alive Again with New Brakes
From: "Ron & Julie Edgar" <>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 23:06:18 -0400
I have finished rebuilding the brake system on our 1600 and posted some high
photos for anyone interested.

Word of advice to anyone working without compressed air.
Do Not!.. try to remove the pistons from the calipers with screw drivers and
other implements of destruction.   Go to a garage and let someone  use air
to blow them out.  Notice the bent guide pins in the photo.  Hey,  I'm a
parts changer... not a skilled mechanic. :-)

Special thanks to Dennis at Custom Datsun Motorsports  for delivering the
new calipers
so fast and also for throwing in the fuel pump gaskets and spacer.  You guys
a tops in my book.

I had a special surprise when I went for a test drive and stopped by the
post office there was my copy of the "Shasta 99 Roadster Meet"  Very nice.
I hope to make it there on day. Everyone's cars really looked great.
Beautiful country too.  My hat off to John for the Video work.

On the road again,

Ron Edgar
68 1600
Ft Lauderdale

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