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Re: Fwd: Pulling the Engine boundary="part0_918830725_boundary"

Subject: Re: Fwd: Pulling the Engine boundary="part0_918830725_boundary"
From: Barrie B Strachan <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 07:30:27 -0800
> I can't remember if this was in the orginal post, but very important 
>to drain
>the oil from the transmission.  Otherwise it starts coming out the 
>rear seal
>as soon as you tip the engine.
TRUE -- on a four speed, once you've pulled the driveshaft out of the
tranny. The 5 speed has a more conventional output flange and it doesn't
have to be drained.  It's still a good idea to R&R the transmission oil
as long as you have it out.

'66 2000
San Diego

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