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Re: vintage-race-digest V1 #262

Subject: Re: vintage-race-digest V1 #262
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 09:38:47 -0400
The Mallory rev limiter mentioned by Myles Kitchen seems to be a decent
unit.  I had one on a previous car with a standard ignition system.  The
only shortcoming was that vibration sometimes moved the potentiometer
setting and changed the rev limit.  A trip to the electronics part store to
buy a locking potentiomenter helped here (you would need to solder this pot
in place of the original - three wires).

A more modern unit can be purchased from JAE (California, 805-967-5767).
It's a small module that attaches to the coil and has a momentary
pushbutton and LED to set the limit.  The neat thing is that you set the
unit (via the LED and your tach) to 1/2 the rev limit you want.  Then the
unit doubles that value to set the actual rev limit.  So you don't have to
wind out the engine in the garage to set the limiter.  You'll need to check
with JAE to be sure it will work with your CD system.  I have one on my
present car (ignitor igition and standard coil) and it works great.  You
will need supression type plug wires for this limiter to work properly.

Gene Carter
1964 Super 7 (race)

* * * * * * * * * *
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 1999 07:31:47 -0500
From: Eric Camiel <>
Subject: tacks, etc.

I installed a Lucas CD ignition and hall effect distributor as used on many
race cars
on my S1 Elan with a Hart twink and it was a huge improvement. However, the
Smith's tack ( the kind with the coil wire making an external loop thru the
tack ) of
course dosen't work. In fact, it never was very consistant despite frequent
callibration. I think it was tempreture sensitive. Any suggestions? How
about modern
aftermarket tacks. Also, what rev limitors work with this setup?

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