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Re: Toyota Gearbox fo Elan

To: chapman-era@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Toyota Gearbox fo Elan
From: "Erik Berg" <>
Date: 11 Apr 1997 22:09:15 -0700
 Reply to:     RE>Toyota Gearbox fo Elan

Sorry about spamming the list with what may be redundant stuff, but my
mail problems are severe now, and I'm not even sure if any of my posts =
getting to chapman-era.  Anyone who receives this message, if you could 
drop me a line privately to confirm receipt, I would appreciate it.  =

Yeah Phillip, I think you've got the early T50.... apparently the ones =
about '80 used the shorter tail housing.  More comments to come, when I =
find some more time.

Date: 4/8/97 7:29 PM
To: Berg, Erik

I haven't heard anything since I sent the message about the adpt. plate 
to mate the Lotus bell housing and the Toyota gearbox. I didn't know if 
you-all had all the info you needed. I would like to hear if someone has 
pinned down the exact gearbox that I have installed. Mine is back in and 
working again(knock on wood). Thanks Phil

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