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Anything wrong with the list ?

To: buick-rover-v8@autox.team.net
Subject: Anything wrong with the list ?
From: Mikael Olofsson <micke@alcom.aland.fi>
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 13:48:18 +0200
Hi list;

I have not got any messages from the list for allmost a week, Is
anything wrong with it ?

>From    Micke

Living on �land (Aaland), small island between Finland and Sweden.
Planing to build a Rover V8 4.6 l with 3,5 (3,9) block and a Buick 300
Tried a 350 crank but think it's going to be to much.


-------�LCOM------------------Network Operations Center-------
Mikael Olofsson              mailto: micke@alcom.aland.fi
�LCOM                         phone: +358-18-23500
PB 233, Torggatan 10            fax: +358-18-14643
FIN-22100                       URL: http://www.alcom.aland.fi

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