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SD1 Charcoal can

To: mgb-v8@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: SD1 Charcoal can
From: Keith Wheeler <keithw@sand.net>
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 98 17:34:59 PST

In the many boxes of bits that I got with an MGB GT V-8 project I 
bought there is an SD1 charcoal absorbtion canister.  I have no need
for this thing.  It seems to be in good shape.  If anyone out there
with a 'B V-8, TR-7 V-8 or SD1 has to deal with smog nazis, I'll send
it to you for the cost of shipping.  It's taking up precious space
in my garage.

-Keith Wheeler
Team Sanctuary                          http://www.teamsanctuary.com/

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