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MG Bs amd stuff

To: buick-rover-v8@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: MG Bs amd stuff
From: mikshdik@ozemail.com.au (Mike)
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 15:53:23 +1000 (EST)
I have run this question past the guys on the Rovernet so some will be
familiar.I have a Rover 3500 and two P6Bs.  All three are wrecks but have
substanially working engines.  I wamt to put one (or all three osmosed)
into an MGB roadster Mark I or II (ie before they got all rubber nosed to
appease Ralph Nader).

Can anybody tell me where I can find an idiot's guide on how to do this?  I
hear the hard part is widening the engine bay.



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