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Looking at times

Subject: Looking at times
From: "Kate W. Hughes 607/974-1913" <>
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 1995 13:25:00 -0500 (EST)
    >>Ron Madurski asks:
    >>for those of you who do look how do you make yourself go faster?  
    >>THis assumes that you are able to, I guess.
    >and Rocky replies
    >But I don't think anyone can state they are going to improve a 
    >specific amount
    >of time by doing a specific thing.
        I have found myself (committing one of those gross errors you 
    described, Rocky) counting my way through a turn, and knowing I could 
    get those two seconds for certain if I didn't understeer, or figuring I 
    was good for 0.3 if I wasn't so tentative in the slalom, or looking for 
    0.2 in a start (0.2 is the time it takes you to say, "ONE")
        If I only had as many runs as there were turns in the course...
        Anyway, yeah, I _do_ go after specific times, especially if I am 
    0.4 (or 0.1 or 2.5...) back from the person I want to catch.  I use 
    that as proof that even if I thought I was doing my best, I can 
    obviously go faster...   I feel that I do drive better in hot 
    competition than alone in my class.
    kate hughes
    '91 CS Miata

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