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Out of the Woodwork

Subject: Out of the Woodwork
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 94 09:32 EDT
> And the best was one brand new 1994 TVR.
> I don't know what they call the model, but lordy, lordy, I
> want one.  If Sophia Loren were to be reincarnated as a British
> Car, this is what she'd be.  Nobody was around to open the
> bonnet, so no peeks at the engine.  Super smooth aero body,
> in great contrast to other recent TVRs, including glass covers
> over the headlights.

I quite agree, probably the BEST looking TVR ever - I might go as far
as saying the best looking British car EVER. As a friend of mine said,
"It's not a car, it's a sculpture". You have to see the car in the flesh
to really appreciate the lines. I talked quite extensively with the owner,
who opened the hood up. What a masterpiece ! The exhaust system comes
FORWARD from the engine and both banks mate up infront of the engine into
what some one described as "a Chinook (helicopter) exhaust system" - again
you have to see it, to appreciate it. 

The interior has beautifull rounded contours - non of the kit-car looks of
other TVRs. The door handles, window mechanisms and other bits and pieces
are all CAST aluminium. I was very tempted to mortgage the house and go out
and buy one - my wife had other ideas !.

The show was a slight disappointment - there were porbably half the number
of TVRs compared to previous years. Also the number of different "marques" was
Loads of MGs, Triumphs, Jags (mainly e-types) and 2 Panthers !!!!


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