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RE: 5th Annual BC-list Survey(Second Notice)

Subject: RE: 5th Annual BC-list Survey(Second Notice)
From: "Robb Pryor" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 1994 14:27:36 -0700
Just in case someone missed the first post, I am re-posting the notice for
the 5th Annual British Cars Survey for this mailing list.

Each year, usually about the May-June time frame, I solicit information from
the list members about their british car holdings.  Response is voluntary, of
course.  I compile the responses into a single file and place it in the
british-cars archival site. When I am done, I tell everyone where they can get
a copy via ftp.

Running this survey generates a *lot* of traffic and results in a *very large*
survey file, so this year I am going to try to do a couple of things differently
to see if I can keep traffic off the main list.


   REPLY DIRECTLY TO ME - This is the preferred address. - This is the precise address.  It will
                                         not work for all systems.  The '_'
                                         confuses VAXEN causing bounced mail
                                         in both sending and replying.
   Unless something is drastically wrong with e-mail and lots of people
   can't get their responses to me, I WILL NOT COLLECT SURVEY RESPONSES SENT TO  This may seem a bit restrictive and inflexible
   but I am serious about keeping this survey off the main list.  Please put the
   word "Survey" in the subject line to help me sort it out from my regular

2. PLEASE USE THE ENTRY FORM SHOWN BELOW.  I have included a sample entry form
   below(mine).  Just edit out my info and substitute your info.  Please don't
   edit the spacing format, I'll just have to change it back again.  I've had
   offers and suggestions to put this into some kind of database. I appreciate
   the offers, but for now, I believe it is best to stay with a plain ascii text
   format that anyone, on any machine can easily access and read.  It has also
   been suggested that the info be put into an xmosaic file for WWW access.
   I like the idea and I will be looking into it after the survey is complete.

   The area for NOTES is for short comments that will fit on a single line.
   The COMMENTS area is for the life history of the car and whatever else you
   wish to share with others about your involvement with the car.  You don't
   *have* to use either area, but a lot of people have in the past.

   The rating system for CONDition of the car is:

   1)  Mint; show quality

   2)  Excellent; not show quality, but everything works and the paint, body
       and interior show no defects or wear.

   3)  Good; not everything works, the paint, body and interior not perfect
       but nothing needs immediate attention.

   4)  Fair; some mechanical work is needed to put the car in proper working
       order, it could use paint/body work; however, the car is driveable.

   5)  Poor/Under (re)construction;  Car needs work to be driveable again.
       Everything is there, car is restoreable.

   6)  Basket Case/Parts Car;  Parts may not all be there, car may or may 
       not be restoreable.

   Not every car will fit neatly into a particular catagory.  The COMMENTS
   section is useful to explain what you really mean.


Name:   Robb Pryor
USMail: Silicon Graphics, Inc.,
        2011 N. Shoreline Blvd.
        Mountain View, CA 94039
Phone:  (415)390-1230

MAKE            MODEL                   YEAR    COND    NOTES
Austin-Healey   3000 Mk.I               '60     5       4-seater (2)
Austin-Healey   3000 Mk.I               '59     2/4     2-seater (1)

(1) Overall, car is in very good condition after complete restoration ~10yrs.
    ago but has been idle in garage for last 3 yrs.
(2) Was daily driver.  Now awaiting time and funds for complete rebuild.
    Work could start as early as next summer.



3.  I will confirm each survey response I get with an e-mail reply.

4.  I will close the survey on Aug. 19th.  New responses received after that
    date may, or may not, get included, depending on my mood at the time.

5.  I will let everyone know when the results are ready and where you can get
    a copy to read.  If there has been some kind of mistake in the information
    listed for your entry, I will accept and make corrections for 1 week after
    I announce the results.  After 1 week, I will repost the corrected results
    and announce the final results.  At that time, the 5th Annual British Cars
    Survey will be complete.

I will accept suggestions for improving the survey, but changes won't be
implemented until next year's version.

Finally, I wish to thank everyone who chooses to participate in the survey in
advance.  There have been, and are, some very interesting people and cars out
there on the list.  This survey helps us to get to know each other a little
_____________               _____________ Robb Pryor, Silicon Graphics,
\____________\_____________/____________/ 2011 N. Shoreline Blvd.,
  \__________               __________/   Mountain View, CA 94039
    \________ AUSTIN-HEALEY ________/     VOICE:(415) 390-1230

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