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Riley h2o pump update

Subject: Riley h2o pump update
From: "Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 92 09:23:49 PDT
          Since it's been awhile that I've posted about my
     waterpump rebuilding adventures, I thought I'd catch
     you up;

          For those that've just tuned in, just prior to the
     All British Meet at Palo Alto, the water pump on my
     1948 Riley RMA began leaking & wobbling. As if I didn't
     have enough to work on, I yanked it off with the idea 
     to fully rebuild it. Just like the Energizer, here it
     is a month later, and Still Going.
          I finally did receive the new bearings (yes,
     Virginia, it uses *bearings) from King Bearing,
     with the back one (closest to the impeller) being
     sealed. The front one I had to order with a removable
     outer race since the original outer race refuses to
     come out of the pump housing.
          After cleaning up the pump housing, I noticed two
     hairline cracks on either side of the grease fitting.
     MSI to the rescue, grinding down the cracks & welding
     them up. Trouble was, the cracks, (and thus the
     welding), went thru to the threaded part where the
     fitting screws in, so now we have to mill & re-tap for
     the fitting. MSI also saved the day by machining a
     delrin spacer plate to match the carbon one I broke
     while disassembling the pump. 
          While waiting for MSI to finish the various
     welding, machining, etc. I decided to reassemble 
     what I could, and so last Sat. I spent the day chasing 
     threads & making gaskets. Before installing the thermostat 
     tho', a little voice said to check it out, and lo & behold, 
     nothing. Abandoning all hope of finding another thermostat 
     like this one (you've gotta see it to believe it), I 
     remembered Mike @ O'Connors saying how the housing was 
     the same as on a TC, and how he just so happens to stock 
     a replacement that uses a new style thermostat.
     Ka-ching $$. I picked this up yesterday, and
     *attempted* to fit it last night. W/O using bolts, it
     all loose fits into place perfectly. With the bolts,
     well, it just doesn't work. 
          Seems the bottom flange is just a tad too wide to
     allow the nuts that hold the adapter plate to the block
     to fit, so I spent the better part of the evening
     filing & cutting on my brand new TC thermostat housing
     to get it to fit. I grew tired of my lack of progress,
     and so am applying grinder to said new expensive part
     today, in hopes of expediting. More later-


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