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Re: Temperature gauges and homebrewing

Subject: Re: Temperature gauges and homebrewing
From: "Andrew C. Green" <dlogics!!acg@uunet.UU.NET>
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1993 12:34:30 CST
Dean (Dean_Zywicki@NIHDCRT.BITNET) writes:
>    I have a question about temperature senders.  Do the temperature
> gauges in most LBC's, i.e. bourdon tube (I guess) running through a wire
> to a gauge, need a voltage source for anything.

A Bourdon-tube gauge is strictly mechanical; you should find a capillary
tube linking sender to gauge, not an electrical wire. If there's nothing
electrical at the sender end, I suppose you could use the gauge for home
brewing -- but its accuracy might not be as good as you need. This may 
explain why Lucas & Co. have never expanded into the beer & ale industry.

> What I'm really getting at is: could I stick the bourdon tube into a pot 
> of water and get a reading on a gauge?


-- Andy

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