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Re: Shift knobs etc.

Subject: Re: Shift knobs etc.
From: "Seth" <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2001 12:17:24 -0500
Last time I talked to Bob Hoffman (Bob's Brickyard) he seemed to think
getting these type of parts would not be that difficult. You could try him, his 
business phone number is: (248) 685-9508 

On 1/27/01, at 10:02 AM, David Peabody wrote: 

>When I purchased my car, it was partially disassembled and came with several
>large boxes of small parts.
>Among the missing and most desired are the knobs to basically everything on
>the dash, most importantly the shift.
>Has anyone found a source for replacing these or would anyone like to
>sell/swap their extras? I have several extra parts including body panels in
>orange for those that are interested.

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