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Re: rust (again)

Subject: Re: rust (again)
From: Jim Isbell <>
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 09:42:04 -0500
At 10:31 AM 5/14/98 EDT, you wrote:
>The POR-15 does go on the INSIDE.  In fact, that is the most important place
>it needs to be. 

On my ketch I used the following procedure and it has done well in the
bilge of a saltwater floated steel boat.

First I removed all the rust I could get to.  Then I sprayed the entire
area with phosporic acid, its the same thing that is in Coca Cola and is
not dangerous.  You can get it at most boat stores.  It turns the metal a
black/blue color.  Then I brushed on "Coroseal", again available from boat
stores.  This turns the surface into a shiny black surface.  It goes on
white sort of the consistancy of snot but as it works it turns black as the
ace of spades and hard as a diamond.  Then so that the bilge would be prety
I followed up with a coat of white interior latex.
                                    Cheers,  Jim

"Better an outlaw than not free."  Nance Oneil

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