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1974 Refurbishing

To: Bricklin Club <>
Subject: 1974 Refurbishing
From: Steve Bepko <>
Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 18:31:04 -0400 (EDT)
I am currently refurbishing #301 (1974 AMC 360 engine) getting it ready to
be inspected and made more functional.  I have not yet investigated the
usual parts sources (i.e. Terry Tanner, etc.) because I have found most
items locally (master cylinder, fuel pump, belts & hoses, etc.).  Once I
get it on the road, I'll send my complete list of replacement parts to the
group for inclusion the the parts xrf faq.

Here's what I still need, any pointers would be appreciated:

Carb rebuild kit:  The carb appears to be a Motorcraft, although the tag
on it is not a Motocraft number.  I have some parts mavens looking.

Passenger side door cylinder: the air modification is in place, but the
cylinder needs to be rebuilt or replaced. Slowly getting around to the
local pneumatic shops with the part in hand (actually a 3rd unit that has
too much rust pitting on the bore to be reliably rebuilt IMHO) to see what
they might have available.  Anyone else gone this route ?

Speedometer Cable;  Speedometer is VDO, really haven't looked too too hard
yet for this puppy, assume it is relatively available.

I would be interested in obtaining copies of any and all BrickLines that
deal with my engine.  I have a few back issues that the previous owner
gave me (1978-80 vintage).  I'll gladly pay for reproduction fees assuming
there are no copyright issues involved, or purchase back issues if someone
is selling them.

Thanks for any help.  I have the current parts crossref from the WWW as
well as all the other links. 

I am Pentium of Borg, precision is futile,
you will be approximated...

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