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Grill badge update

To: "BMCU" <bmcu@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Grill badge update
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 2004 00:52:04 -0600
Thanks to all of you who came through with your checks. It is looking real
good to actually get this order on it's way! Please, if you want one of these
babies get your check to me ASAP, I'm thinking if it took this much effort to
get an order together it will most likely be harder to get enough folks
together for another order. Here is the info one last time:

Make payment to: BMCU
Send check to:
Mitch D. Johnson
316 w. Mutton Hollow Rd.
Kaysville, Utah 84037

Many thanks for your patience!

PS: The Mt. Nebo run was awesome!!!

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