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Round 2 Sound Measurement

Subject: Round 2 Sound Measurement
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 02:14:32 EST
So, we measured sound again at Round 2 today.  I want to thank the  people 
who worked this event for doing this.  Anyone who wants to work  "Sound" in the 
future, please let me know. 
Sound was measured in every group, from a distance of 50 feet.  We  tried 
several different locations, all inside the left hand sweeper near the end  of 
the course.  I found that no matter how we positioned the meter, the  cars 
seemed to give me their loudest readings as they were going away, and  beyond 
50' point.  Probably 70-90 feet.  So, realistically, you  should probably add 
1-2 dB to your numbers if you're trying to reach a lower  number (for instance 
San Diego's 93 dBA @ 50' limit.)  And, once again, as  concerns SFR's limit of 
95 dB @ 100', subtract 6 dB from the numbers  listed.
Several interesting things happened while measuring.  Several cars  that 
weren't even on the display (less than 90 dB) had spikes of tire noise in  the 
90's.  One, Mike McHugh in the 6th group, didn't make any noise of  90 or 
above, until he had the misfortune of spinning in front of the sound  meter.  
First, his engine revved and the meter read 96, then as it came  around, he got 
out of the throttle, and his tire squeal measured 100!  This  is of little 
significance, but I thought it interesting and worth  sharing...   
Group 1:
#82: 92/93
#330: 97/97
#35: 92
#13: 95/93/91
#11  ES: 94/96
#240: 97/95
#130: 98/97/96
#07: 94/94
#70: 90/90
#28:  93
#113: 95
#33: 92
Group 2:
#80/SM2: 103/102
#RED CRX: 92
#69/BSPV: 102
#74/0SP:  99
#1/OSP(?): 104
#8/SM2: 96
#130: 91
#79/SM: 94
#77:  96
#07/SM2: 100
#23: 95
#72/SM: 98
#84FSP: 102
#79: 95
#26:  94
#130: 90
#137/SM: 94
Group 3:
#1/SS: 91
#78/SS: 95/96/96
#178/SS: 98/92/98
#712/AS:  91/91
#04/AS: 90
#112/AS: 90
#42/AS: 91
#13/BS: 93/90/95
#31/BS:  90/94
#7/BS: 91
#71/BS: 91
#24/BS: 90
#88/BSN: 92/97/99
#231/ES:  91
Group 4:
#72/ASP: 96/95/95
#172/ASP: 96/96/95
#62/ASPL:  95/94/94
#162/ASP: 93/94/96
#698/ASP: 92/92
#51/FSP:  93/92/94
#51/STS: 98/100/99
#151/STS: 99/98/97
#63/STS:  93/95/94
#79/STS: 95/96/93
#21/STS: 96/95/95/95
#12/STS:  94/94/94
#369/STS: 93/95/96
#39/STS: 91/92/94
#78/STS:  93/90
#178/STS: 91/93/90
#31/STS: 94/95/93
#13/STS: 94/93/94  
#42/STS: 90
#81/STS: 94/91/95
#91/STS: 90/91/92
#275/STS:  90/93/91
Group 5:
#81: 91/94/94
#181: 91/94/95
#1/STU: 92/91
#69/STU:  91/92
#79/STU: 91
#31/STUN: 90
#93/STUN: 90/90
#179/STX:  95/94/95
#79/STX: 95/94
#401/SM: 91/92
#188/EP: 93/94/94
#88/EP:  95/95
#91/FP: 95/94
#71/XP: 92/93/93
#171/XP: 94
Group 6:
#17/CSP: 95/96/97
#66/CSP: 95/98/98
#92/CSP:  101/104/104
#92/CSPL: 98/102/102/104
#21/CSP: 91/93/93
#49/CSP:  96/99/99
#49/CSPL: 95/96/99
#13/CSP: 94
#77/DSPL: 92/94/91
#177/DSP:  91/94/95/95
#4/DSP: 91/91/93
#88/DSP: 91/90
#11/SM2-T2:  95/98
#11/CIVIC: 93/95/100
#108/ASP-T2: 94/95/97
#996/ASP-T2:  91/95/97

The short list that follows is the list of cars that were over SFR's  limit, 
so the actual measured numbers from 50' were 6dB higher, and I've already  
deducted the 6 dB so they equate to our 100' measuring distance.  Those  cars 
being given an official warning and the below numbers are listed in the  
#80 SM2:  97 dBA
#69 BSPV: 96 dBA
#1 (2nd run group, yellow  older Japanese car, probably the starlet...):  
#84 FSP:  96dBA
#92 CSP: 98dBA  
#92 CSPL: 98dBA

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  • Round 2 Sound Measurement, Smokerbros <=