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Transporter to Nationals

Subject: Transporter to Nationals
From: Derek Butts <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 07:30:09 -0700 (PDT)
This is a feeler to determine if anyone is interested in renting a space on the 
Toyota Motorsports Transporter to Nationals in September.  Right now the spaces 
are limited to Toyota or Lexus vehicles.  Like last year we are seeking a 
subsidized ride to Topeka.  Cost will be in the $1k neighborhood for door to 
door both ways including use of the rig during race week.  This is way below 
the current market.  Pickups can be anywhere from so cal up to nor cal and out 
Interstate 80 to Topeka.
If interested please e-mail me at  ASAP.
-Derek Butts

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