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Re: Anyone doing STX for the slush series?

Subject: Re: Anyone doing STX for the slush series?
From: Joe Ciarcia <>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 23:24:12 -0700 (PDT)
--- Yeoh Yiu <> wrote:
> I'm guessing you have a WRX or s4,
> snow driving and autoxing the same car.
> squid.


The appeal of having an autocross car that I can just
drive right through the chain checks without
stopping... Oh it's just heaven! :-)  My previous car
was a Lexus SC300. I grew up in New Hampshire so
driving to work durring blizzards is something I'm
used to. I figured the Lexus couldn't possibly drive
any worse than my Mom's old 10 kajillion pound Chevy
RWD Chevy station wagon. Boy was I ever wrong, it was
like driving a bar of soap.

Cheers, Joe

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