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Re: Round 10 is up!

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Round 10 is up!
From: "Barry Spencer" <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 12:42:35 -0700
I also think it's very cool the little Spencer got the #1 in pax :>))) A
GREAT Fathers day gift.  He is on vacation this week. When he called last
night he was very excited when I told him he was #1 in pax. His scratch time
was faster than 138 cars.
When he gets behind the wheel of the Europa I think I'm in big trouble.
Jesus can you help me out? How does if feel when you get you A?? kicked by
your son :>))


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2002 12:01 PM
Subject: Round 10 is up!

> I just noticed that the results are up. VERY Cool.
> Are the Jr carts pax too soft or what!!?? That little
> Spenser was .7xx ahead of a real car. That is just
> wrong. It is cool for Chris Spenser, but just wrong if
> you know what I mean.
> Thank god we had 4 runs Sunday or I would not hear the
> end of it at home. I think I created a monster. ;-)
> --
> Vic Sias
> 650-704-0771

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