And one more thing: thank you everyone for your phone calls and e-mail well
And most important of all: Darth McGuillicuddy is fine.
Kelly Katie
-----Original Message-----
From: Kelly, Katie
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 5:37 PM
Subject: I'M ALIVE
I think. Just came to work to check e-mail, and had to delete everything. I
came by bus, in case you're wondering.
I had no idea how much people can type.
I am grumpy as hell, and no, I don't remember what happened, but I'll try to
make up something really cool. I just want to heal so I can ride my bike
Apparently, a dog came running out between some parked cars, and my avoidance
path was straight over the handlebars or something like that. The dog is fine.
I am fine, but my short term memory has taken a turn for the worst. But the
important thing is I was the first one up the Marshall Wall.
And the last one down.
My short term memory is really bad.
I really can't remember anything.
But I'm fine.
Who are you people.
Kelly Katie