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Re: Let's Talk Minis...

Subject: Re: Let's Talk Minis...
From: Yeoh Yiu <>
Date: 09 Apr 2002 19:34:22 -0400
Minis do roll.
(credits to Helix13)

The car is so short, you can't push on the bumper to get the
leverage to compress the suspension.

I've had my Mini Cooper for 18 hours now.  :-)

"Thana, Peter {High~Palo Alto}" <PETER.THANA@ROCHE.COM> writes:

> The CRX was such a neat car, and it may well be far better for autox than
> the new MINI.  I made my comparison just to point out that a light, nimble,
> low powered car was such a great idea 10 years ago, I  don't see why the
> idea can't work today when just about everything has 200hp.  Except that now
> we're spoiled:)
> Peter

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