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Re: Planning runs, was: Re: pointless auto topic #38: short vs

To: Pat Kelly <>, rich urschel
Subject: Re: Planning runs, was: Re: pointless auto topic #38: short vs
From: "Donald R McKenna" <>
Date: Sun, 09 Dec 2001 19:16:53 -0800

You wrote:

>Got a question, Don. Back in the 'olden' days in your Corvair, remember, you
>got just one run of three laps, the first for practice, and triggering the
>two timed laps which gave you a total time, and that was it. How come you
>were fast then, with no course walks, and no time to go through all of this?
>Just curious.
>--Pat Kelly

Thanks for the compliment. 

I was just one of quite a few fast guys in classes that, sometimes, favored
the higher horsepowered Corvairs. I also had the luck of having the right
set-up for the right course in some of the four different Corvairs I
autocrossed.. At times, we did walk the course, as I recall, and I'd look at
the course and make alignment changes to the rear of the car to deal with,
what I expected to be a tight or loose course. Guessed right on a few
occasions. Some of the guys were still at the stage where they were adding
sand bags in their Corvair trunks to "hold the front end down". 


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