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Don McKenna

Subject: Don McKenna
Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2001 05:53:04 EST
So fumbling through my garage the other day (yes it's a mess), I looked up at 
some of my dad's old books. Corvette this, hot rod that, but then I noticed 
one that stuck out "How to hot rod Covair  Engines." I picked up the book 
(knowing that Corair's were good auto-x cars) and began thumbing through. 
When there it was a picture of a Corvair getting thrown through an auto-x 
track. Not any Corvair but Don McKenna's from San Jose. Winner of the 1963-64 
Corvair series. So I had to run in and show my dad, "I know this guy, he 
still auto-x's." So you need to keep showing up and making us feel slow.

So Don if you want to see the book, I got it. 

Scott Fraser

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