On Tue, 6 Nov 2001 Toy4speed@aol.com wrote:
> James:
> Thanks for responding. This is ONE interpretation I have heard. IF we
> (loosely used term) can agree this is the official tech work description,
> then I can cross off the run group 8 box for tech, encourage someone from
> morning setup to tech run group 1, etc. However, as much as I appreciate
> your interpretation, and have no problems with it, we still need a consensus
> and go with it. Please.
> Don Lew
Jerry's interpretation is the one I've always used, both as a chief and
worker. That's why I assign special workers for setup, to tech the group
one cars on grid so that the tech workers assigned to group one will be
able to start teching group two+ cars immediately. (Remember, we teched
group one on grid even when other groups weren't.)
There should never be a need for tech workers in the afternoon groups;
tech closes before they start...