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RE: I suck

To: "Mark J. Andy" <>, <>
Subject: RE: I suck
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2001 10:46:40 -0700

I think some folks are irritated because you write with a rather
authoratative style, as was especially evident in your post regarding
DNFs. We have people involved with event organization who have all this
stuff nailed down to a fine science. Although you do explain that what
you say is merely opinion, it can be misleading for newcomers and even
regulars as well who might not know that you really are out in
Pennsylvania. It's like that game of telephone or something. You could,
just by the click of the Send button, get a whole lot of people to do a
lot of things that could REALLY SCREW THINGS UP.

Anyway, this is, indeed, a forum for sharing opinions, so I don't want
to deprive you of that. I think, though, that mostly there was a concern
that your e-mail could generate some confusion as to just exactly WHAT
someone should do should he or she DNF. There's the world according to
Andy, and then there are the SFR rules. Of course, well, SFR rules are
kind of weird too sometimes, but that's another topic.


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