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Re: 12/19 date

To: <>
Subject: Re: 12/19 date
From: Barry Chafin <>
Date: Sun, 09 Sep 2001 09:38:41 -0700
Dennis Hale wrote:

> I will be putting on an event at that nasty
> Thunderhill place if anyone is interested though. Only
> the brave need apply. You will need a bit of track
> experience and more than one gear to play.

I'm very interested in the Thunderhill place thingy.  After a couple of parade
laps @ Laguna yesterday withdrawal symptoms are growing.  I'll save some tires
for Dec 15/16 if you've got openings.

Are you considering tryin' to get interest in a Solo1 event again?  Bet the ole
Max might just like it a bit better than Solo2 but will likely need to lower
the rear spring rates ;-).

Barry -

> =====
> Dennis Hale
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