Thanks to all those who have offered up good advice and options. I have a
couple more questions...
First, this event on Sunday... All I see listed is "Fire and safety school"
on the website. Is this the event that everyone is heading up to? Would
this be a good event to show up un-registered and meet people? In other
words, can I *crash* the event...? Bad form. I know.
Next... equipment questions:
SHOES - I have been heel-and-toe'ing for years, but I have never owned
a car
where the pedals were really setup to do this, so I always have done is
backwards (heel to gas, toe to brake). The M3 seems to have pedals placed
specifically with heel-and-toe in mind, which means that its very difficult
to do it backwards... hence I am now forcing myself to do it the right way.
The problem is that doing it the right way requires a lot more
sensitivity... and tennis shoes no longer cut it.
I have gone out to the web and or course found Simpson shoes, but no other
brand. I am guessing these are fine, but thought I would ask before
ordering. What do people recommend for a size 11 foot and an M3? Are there
bennies to a high-top over a low-top?
NUMBERS - I was gonna head out to get a set of magnetic numbers for my
doors, but then thought about the obvious question... Will I be assigned a
number, or can I just pick one?
HELMETS - It seems that you can spend anywhere from ~$100 all the way up
~$800 for a helmet. What makes one helmet better than another? Is the
nomax lining worth getting? Open face, or shielded?
FUEL - How important is this? When I used to drag race midyear Corvettes,
this was a big deal... There is a huge difference between 87 pump octane,
and 111 airplane fuel in an old Chevy small-block. But... I am guessing
that the M3 has some knock sensor in it that will get screwed up if I pump
too high an octane through it. My guess is that I should be sticking with
92 pump octane, but thought I would ask to see what y'all know.
SHOP MANUAL - I thought this was taken care of, but it seems that the person
I talked with at the Steven's Creek BMW service department really didn't
know what the heck I was talking about, so it didn't get ordered. I would
have thought that he had seen this request before. Where should I be
getting one of these? The verbage on the SFSCCA website is a little
ambiguous... do I really need one of these on hand before I can race?
// Mike Eynon
// Chief Technology Officer
// OnTh Wireless
// "The Wireless Database Company"
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