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Re: M3 BHP?

Subject: Re: M3 BHP?
From: John Kelly <>
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 15:10:34 -0500
-------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------

Message text written by

Pat Kelly writes:

<< But, Kirk, they're no longer in ESP, remember? Relax, now they are 

considering BSP or SM... >>

I haven't mentioned that after the SC's decision for the Region to class a 
car differently than National at our last meeting, Jim Ochi has requested 
that SFR class the M3 in ESP.

-------------------- End Original Message --------------------
While I sat at the same table as Jim Ochi at the last Steering Committee
meeting I'll admit I missed that. Will it be in the minutes?

The car we classed regionally --a 1.8-liter Lotus Elise--is a production
car which could otherwise only run in A Mod because of the SEB's ruling. I
made the motion because I'm well aware of the SEB's--not to mention the
National BoD's--prejudice against any car bearing a Lotus nameplate.

The BMW M3 is already classed --in BSP for '01--and because of that it also
has the option of running in Street Mod, Street Tire, and even E Mod as
well as A Mod. I think the above is an apples and oranges comparison. 

        What we don't know is just how many BMW M3s have been built. 
        The first year of the Acura Type R, for example, Honda built
approx. 890 cars yet the SEB classed it in G Stock, well before 1,000 had
been built. In the second year they built about 950. Third year: zero.
Fourth year they built well over 1,000.
        Both Stock and Street Prepared rules require 1,000 cars to built.
Interestingly, the Prepared class rules require 3,000 cars to be built.

--John Kelly

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