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RE: It's quiet....

To:, <>, <>,
Subject: RE: It's quiet....
From: Barry Spencer <>
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 12:52:44 -0800
At 03:11 PM 12/15/00 -0500, wrote:
>In a message dated Fri, 15 Dec 2000  1:48:07 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
>"Kelly, Katie" <> writes:
><< >> According to Sherry Grantz, I'm captain.  Who are you more
> >>afraid of, Peggy or Sherry? ;)
> >Having known both for longer than most of you yung 'uns have
> >been autocrossing, I fear Peggy more!
>I'm scared of both of 'em, but my mother scares me the most.
>  >>
>Well, I try not to make your Mom mad, either...

    It's MUM not MOM. Where is YOUR spell checker :>))))


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