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FW: OFF TOPIC: Worker Radio news

To: "Bay Area Autox List" <>
Subject: FW: OFF TOPIC: Worker Radio news
From: "Kevin Stevens" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 21:42:04 -0700
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On
> Behalf Of Craig Blome
> Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 19:54
> To:
> Subject: OFF TOPIC: Worker Radio news
> I may attract some personal attacks for posting about radio stuff on
> the Ladies' Classes mailing list ;) but here goes...
> Those clubs using VHF-FM "business band" radios, or considering it,
> will want to make note of the FCC's imminent deregulation of certain
> frequencies in this other words, no more licenses! 
> Apparently the FCC is giving up trying to control the scads of
> unlicensed radios in this band, and is creating a new public radio band
> called MURS (Multiple Use Radio's that for a content-free
> acronym).  Details are at <>.
> The radios are still pretty expensive compared to CB or FRS, but tend
> to give better sound quality.  Texas Spokes SCC just bought several
> Radio Shack BTX-128 VHF two-ways on sale for $149.95 each (they're
> usually $179).  The sale runs thru Sept 30 for anyone interested, and
> we were pretty pleased with their performance when we tested them this
> past weekend.
> Craig Blome
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