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RE: Disgrace! (That's me)

Subject: RE: Disgrace! (That's me)
From: "Phil Esra" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 11:15:34 PDT
>Hey Rick, since we seem to be headed in that direction, what about 
> >minivans? I placed my 90 Toyota Previa Altrak in the top 80% of the 
> >field at an SFR event at Alameda NAS.  Beat a Porsche, a Vette, and a 
> >Tiger among others.

That reminds me of this tired old piece-of-crap Civic I used to have. It had 
shocks and a rear sway bar like your Previa, plus a header and rear springs. 
Never did have much luck with it, but it was a fun old car. Sold it to some 
sucker who wanted to make a serious Street Touring car out of it :)


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