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Lined courses

To:, "Peter Mottaz" <>
Subject: Lined courses
From: John Kelly <>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 11:19:07 -0400
Here's the premise behind lined courses:
        The lines represent the edge of the road and the pylons are the
        A great number of regions across the country do not use lines to
guide their drivers. I think there's even old copies of "Rallies, Trials,
and Gymkhanas" by Art Peck still in use out there. The late Mr. Peck never
heard about autocrossing or lined courses.
        These regions have 30-60 car turnouts and lots of time.
        Here in the SF Area, with several independent clubs organizing
events, the organizers came to realize when they lined the course:      
        1) Attendance improved.
                a) People had a good time because they didn't get lost.
                b) Egos were saved because the newbie didn't look foolish
when lost. He was never lost.
        2) More money came in.

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