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Private autox engagements

To: Bay Autox <>
Subject: Private autox engagements
From: Travis Lane <>
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2000 05:07:53 -0700 (PDT)
Hi all,

Today, I'm representing a "racing team" of some friends who want to race
*lots*.  Given that money is not a great concern, how would you suggest that
we go about this?

Let's say that we're willing to part with $5000/day.  Is it possible to get a
lot for that price?  without scheduling a year in advance?

Laguna Seca is $12k/day for the track and crew.
Sears Point is $10k-12k/day
Autocross lots = ???
Thunderhill, I hear, can be had for $3k/day

Is it possible to rent autox gear?  (cones, timing lights, flags, etc...)  Are
there lots of legal issue to deal with?  Is it possible to work with SFRSCCA
to do something?

I just got this mission today, so please forgive the depth of knowledge.

Thanks for your help,


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