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RE: Volunteer course design - short list of requirements

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: Volunteer course design - short list of requirements
From: "Kevin Stevens" <>
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2000 21:44:09 -0800
> I want to build course that has the following:

> -be able to over run cars at least 2

It doesn't matter how many are on course, it matters how often you can start the
next car.  20-25 seconds is the optimum window.  Remember you have to lay things
out so cars running 20-25 seconds apart aren't ever headed towards each other.

> -possibly re-running part of the course as I did in the Evolution Driving
> School (McKamey) and the AAS test and tune, makes good use of smaller sites
> - a third gear section or two

Great!  My car redlines at 73mph in second...

> - maybe one long high speed slalom and a couple of shorter ones
> - chicago deep dish boxes, and offset gates
> - one first gear hairpin

> - 60 - 85 second runs, better value for racers

75 sec * 40mph avg. = .85 miles...

> - a few wide gated sections where you can really define your own line, also
> like the AAS test and tune
> - maybe a curved slalom, and and exaggerated slalom (moving the cones out to
> the sides, rather than just in a straight line) so you actually need to work
> the car more

"offset" is the common term.

> - also can we work in split timers like McKamey so we can give people info
> about where they are making progress?

> Where can I get some overhead print outs of 3com, and Network associates?
> Also has anyone used any software to design course, AutoCAD, Paint, etc., or
> is a pencil and paper the tools of the trade? I figure I'll start
> brainstorming sections on paper and then bring them into CAD. Once they are
> in CAD i can clip sections out of good course, and sorta paste them together
> when designing a new course.
> ~Nanda and UFO

"Man's reach must ere exceed his grasp, else what's a heaven for?"


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