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Re: Potential new helmet rule would affect autocrossers

To: Rocky Entriken <>, NER Solo postings <>,
Subject: Re: Potential new helmet rule would affect autocrossers
From: Matt Murray <>
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 06:16:44 -0500
But if they "soften" the impact (pun intended?) of obsolescing
our helmets, and an incident occurs, what happens then? The
lawyers would have their way with us. I'm wagering it will happen
sooner than later.

Matt Murray

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
> I really do not believe we can prevent this -- "safety" issues
> seem impervious to any objections -- but we might get it
imposed in a more
> user-friendly manner (if a new helmet you must buy, would you
not rather be
> able to get a Snell 2005 than a Snell 2000 that already has 4
years of its
> rulebook life gone?)
> --Rocky

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