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RE: "The Fast & The Furious" - bad news for autocross

To: "'Team.Net (Group)'" <>
Subject: RE: "The Fast & The Furious" - bad news for autocross
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 09:36:35 -0500
Just think of all the good that could come from attracting this new

We can all agree that additional revenue is always a good thing.  Think of
the revenue that all those new members would bring into the club.
Additional revenue could lead to club growth such as entering professional
racing venues.  And just think of the public notoriety and income that the
SCCA could gain by running its own professional racing series.

Then there's the whole "graying of the SCCA" issue which simply must be
dealt with before we skip an entire generation of members.  C'mon Roger,
when the current regime of blue-haired octogenarians passes on to a better
place we'll need fresh blood to keep the club going through the new

And think of the medicinal benefits of having such a target demographic
group in the club.  Roger could finally get some pharmaceutical help for
that glaucoma that plagues him.

There's also the environmental issue to think about.  With an entire
generation of old racers leaving the sport, and taking their smoke belching
LBCs and gas guzzling American dinosaur cars with them, the new crop of fuel
efficient and emissions legal cars that truly represent today's marketplace
and general SCCA membership will surely become the posterchildren of groups
such as the EPA, Greenpeace, SPCA, NORML, NBA, NAMBLA and SWAPO.

So I ask you Roger, why wouldn't we want to welcome this new demographic
group with open arms?  Or are you going to fall back on your "too many
classes" excuse again?

Eric Linnhoff in KC
1998 Dodge Neon R/T
#69 STS    #13 TLS

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