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Re: Peru Pro (a bit long)

Subject: Re: Peru Pro (a bit long)
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 09:15:51 -0700
Adam Popp wrote:

> You don't halt pro solos, autocrosses in general, just because there was
> one accident where two cars collide or one car collides with an object,
> unless the driver or drivers were seriously injured.

Disagree. It does not require serious injury to look at the situation
and see if something needed to be changed. There is some other
consideration in a Pro Format, because of how you will end up affecting
the standings/times, but that should still be secondary to safety. I am
no safety weenie, but there should always be the attempt to make the
sport as safe as it can be, considering that driving cars like a bat out
of hell has some inherent risks.

 And if this goes
> down there should be a vote to see if the autocross should go on. And in
> this incident, both drivers were a ok. Plus, autocrossers that came to
> this event, paid a lot of money, to run in this event.

The decision of the autocross being safe needs to be up to the Safety
Stewards and event chair, yes? Why would the entrants vote? If the event
if deemed *reasonably* safe, it goes on. You always have one vote at
every event... you can choose to not run. I don't want the drivers
voting on continuing an event.

> >   I'm sure this is not the only time where 2 cars collided at a pro solo
> > event.
> >
> >  pretty sure it is
> How do you know, have you been to all the pro solos in since the pro
> solo format was created? I'm pretty sure you haven't even been to one.

I am sure Jim Rohn will let you know, but Jim may have some ProSolo
experience Adam. 

> How did you become a safety steward?

That was an unfortunate choice of words. Can we please try to keep this
out of the realm of personal insults?

I really don't want to add to knee jerk reactions. But, the intention
after an incident should be to learn from it. Sometimes that requires
some discussion about why something happened. The goal is not to find
blame, but to consider reasons. As someone that occasionally is involved
in course design, I want to understand why this course seemed unsafe. I
would love to see a course map or photoshot of the area.

Often, course designs don't work out exactly as the designer expects,
just like your driving lines are not what you expected when you walked
the course.

Typically, a ProSolo has the cars veer away from each other at some
point, put course features such as chicanes and offsets, will have the
cars somewhat pointed to a common point. It seems these features should
be a min distance apart, with consideration for likely speed. I don't
know...I guess I would like to see the discussion to be more about
technical specifics of course design, and less about who was to blame.

Specially in regards to someone "knowing" that a course was going to be
unsafe. That can be a very hard call. A nagging doubt is not reason
enough to throw one's body in from of the staging lights, declaring the
event unsafe.

In any case, it is good that no one was hurt. I assume the Karts made it
thru the box without a problem?

Randy Chase

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