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Auto-X Trailer info needed

Subject: Auto-X Trailer info needed
From: SunRider <>
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 1999 17:08:12 -0500
Hi everyone, I am nearly done building a Harbor Freight Tools
Utility trailer I know these are used for most auto-x's.
My question is how do I set it up so that the tires are held in securely?
I know it needs posts or something so the tires can sit up in the front.
If anyone has any pics of theirs online or could send a pic to me,
I'd really appreciate it. I would hate to have my tires flying off
at the first bump I come to.

Any advice would be great. (Yes, I've checked the Miata.Net Archives)

I hope everyone has a Great Holiday Season and an even better New Year. :)

Steve Bernard
Red '99 Miata - Sport Package (B-Stock)

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