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Re: Miata rollbar

To: David Parr <>,
Subject: Re: Miata rollbar
From: Derek Engelhaupt <>
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 10:06:24 -0800 (PST)

--- David Parr <> wrote:
> Does anyone know of a rollbar that is taller than the top by several
> inches
> for extra protection for tall drivers, yet removes easily to put the
> top up?


My Miata has one of the tallest "real" rollbars on the market.  It's
made by Hard Dog Fabrication down south.  I'm 5'10" and my head sits
about 2" below the bar (without helmet - about 1/2" with).  It is a
four point bar - it has rear braces and a diagonal.  The bar can't get
any higher without the soft top hitting it.  I don't know of any bar
that would be "easily removed" and still provide adequate rollover
protection, those two things really don't belong in the same sentence. 
If you are looking for rollover protection, the bar has to be well
planted in the car.  Well planted in the case of my bar means it is
bolted to the seat belt towers and the bottom of the hoop/rear braces
are bolted trough the wheel wells.  It would be a PITA and about 2
hours to de-install.  Instead of looking for a taller bar, I think you
need to look for a way to lower your seat position in the car.  There
are documented ways of doing this by removing some of the cushioning in
the seats of the Miata.  You might be able to have someone fabricate
some lower mounting brackets for the seats, also. Check out the
following link on how to modify your seats: 

St. Paul
'97 Miata

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