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Muffler Hanger

Subject: Muffler Hanger
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 15:03:56 -0700


Wait a minute!!!  Y'all are confusing me.  You mean you're not SUPPOSED to put
mufflers on with coat hanger wire?  I did replace mine with NEW coat hanger wire
for Nat's.

Or that not everybody paints magnetic numbers white so the remains of the logo
of the company you work for won't show?  ("Gee, Tom, I don't know how the sign
coulda come off the truck!")

Next you'll be telling me that I wasn't supposed to use that piece of sheet
metal that was the right color for a Carrier heat pump cover as a

Confused in Nevada-

JD Kemp &
"Lucretia MacEvil" #13 MGB


Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 05:14:31 PDT
From: "Karl Rickert" <>
Subject: Re: Car numbers at Nationals

>From: washburn <>
>Karl Rickert wrote:
> > David,
> > In true TLS form..I've got several different colors of racers tape > >
>to choose  from if ya wanna make magnetic duct tape numbers :)

>Speaking of TLS... I ran Nationals this year with a hastely >fabricated
>piece of wire coat hanger holding up my muffler.  Am I one >of youse guys

Patrick, It's free to join!! And we'd be gald to have ya!

Karl Rickert
CS #38 Alfa Romeo Spider
TLS #25

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