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Re: Change of Tech Inspection

Subject: Re: Change of Tech Inspection
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 05:57:52 -0700
I think it is a good idea in theory that needs to really be thought about on the
local level.  Here in NER, when we had an explosion in the number of
participants (from and average of 125 to almost 200), we thought of everything
to facilitate the Registration, worker sign-up and tech processes.

With over 50 novices at every event, we can't do annual tech.  Out here, we fail
at least one car per event (usually fixable before start) so we don't breeze
through it.  Roadgoing cars here in the Northeast DEVELOP these issues.  It's a
tough life if they see winter.

I see a legitimate compromise.  Develop a set of guidelines for a 'seasoned
veteran'.  Distribute those guidelines and have people apply for annual tech
stickers in the off-season.  I bet each Region has at lest 25% of the cars that
fit into that category.  It isn't a total solution but it may lighten the load.

Andy Bettencourt
Solo II Stock Class Advisory Committee
Chief Operating Steward, NER
1995 Mazda RX7 R2 - Super Stock
1966 Sunbeam Tiger MK 1A

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